What is Aeroponic's?
This is the number 1 question we get everyday, sometimes many times a day, it is a simple yet complex answer but without going really in depth here is general answer: Aeroponic's is growing method that introduces nutrients to the plant(s) root zone, primarily by means of misting or spraying roots with nutrients.
What is Aquaponic's
Aquaponic's is in simple terms a aquaculture system where the fish waste becomes the nutrient source for the plants. Your system is a combination of a sump tank, fish tank, grow bed & a filter bed (can also be the grow bed depending on how many fish & size of system).
What is difference between Hydroponic & Aeroponic system?
None well actually they are considered to be one in the same, Hydroponics is growing without soil, Aeroponic's is growing plants by way of nutrient delivery to root zone by way of misters, sprayjets or air bubbles. There are several different types of Hydroponic growing methods: Aeroponic (pump & Spraybar), NFT (nutrient film technique), Ebb & Flow (flood & Drain), DWC (deep water culture), drip lines (Drip head), TAG (True Aeroponic Gardening).
Can I take a plant from soil & grow it in Aeroponic/ Hydroponic system?
Yes, you need to be sure that the root mass it completely free of any soil or debris as it will ruin your nutrient solution.
Can I transplant a plant that has been grown in Aeroponic/ Hydroponic system & transplant into soil?
Yes any seedling or plant grown in hydro system can be transplanted into soil.
What is best method for growing Hydroponic plants?
It is a user preference & how much work/ money you want to put into a system, the Bubbler (DWC) systems are by far the least expensive but they are not the most efficient method for growing. Aeroponic spray bar systems are great but require regular maintenance on clogged misters, Drip heads are great but they still have some routine drip head cleaning for good flow to each drip line but require the least amount of work. True Aeroponic Gardening "TAG" is the best but also the most expensive all them all do to the initial cost of your system, the pump alone runs $180.00 plus all the other components to build system. BUT this is one of the best ways to grow hands down for growing & feeding the plants.